A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Retro arcade space shooter for SmallBASIC using raylib.

PlatformsWindows, Linux
GenreAction, Shooter
TagsArcade, Low-poly, Retro, Space
Code licenseMIT License
Average sessionA few minutes


asteroids_win.zip 6 MB
Asteroids-x86_64.AppImage 8 MB
asteroids_src.zip 2 MB

Install instructions

Windows: Download and decompress the zip file. Run "Asteroids.exe". 

Linux: Download AppImage file and make it executable, i.e in the console with chmod a+x  Asteroids-x86_64.AppImage


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That's quite good.

Hi....the game cannot be run on my laptop computer. It is a Windows 7 computer. Did you play the game on Windows 10 or Windows 11?

Hi, I tested the game on Win10 and Win11. Unfortunately I don't have Win7 for testing. Is there any error message?

Hello.....sorry for my late reply. Thank you. 


here you find some info about the error message you got.


Most probably the GPU driver is too old and doesn't support OpenGL 3.3 .

"Most probably the GPU driver is too old and doesn't support OpenGL 3.3 ."  <------- Correct! After I installed the newest GPU driver on the laptop computer, the game could be run normally.

Thank you very much!!!!!!!!

Windows 10 Home Edition.

Hello, by the way, there is an interesting jam. If you are interested in developing an entry with SmallBASIC and raylib, you are very welcome to join:  https://itch.io/jam/jam-for-all-basic-dialects-3